The applications are due by 17 September 2024

Application Form - MSc Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics - 2024-2025

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MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics


Fields with * are mandatory.
Max Upload Size per File: 2MB (First select your file and then press the blue upload button bellow in order to be attached in your application)

Personal Information
Address Information during your Studies
Permanent Country Address
To be filled only, if it is different from the "Address Information during your Studies" section
ID Information
Passport Information
An official transcript of the degrees awarded including the grade awarded has to accompany the Application, or if the grade has not yet been awarded, this has to be noted, and sent before the evaluation date of the candidates.
Undergraduate or Bachelor Degree
Other Degree
Professional Certifications
A copy of the official documents of the titles awarded to the candidate, has to accompany the Application, or, in any case, be submitted before the date of evaluation of the candidates. Reference should be mainly made to titles awarded after successful examinations, without excluding any other titles
Professional Certification 1
Professional Certification 2
English Language Skills
All candidates are required to have proven satisfactory skills of the English language.
Employment & Work Experience
To be completed regardless the Application is accompanied by the candidate's curriculum vitae or not.
Position 1
Position 2
Recommendation Letters
The letters of recommendation should be in a sealed envelope, signed on seal, bearing the name of the candidate and accompany the Application, or be submitted separately by the contributors to the Secretariat of the Graduate Program before the date of evaluation of the candidates.
Recommendation Letter 1
Recommendation Letter 2
Recommendation Letter 3
Recommendation Letter 4
Applications made to other Master Programs
Source of Financial Support for the Program
Source of Information for the Program
Other Files

After the electronic submission of this application, you will receive an email confirmation with your application id and the submitted data. (Please check also the spam folder). That email have to be printed in two copies, signed, with all the related attachments also printed and submitted by the candidate to the Master's Program address below.

The recommendation letters have to be also submitted to the Master's Program.

The applications must be directed to:
Master Program in Energy: Strategy, Law & Economics
University of Piraeus, Department of International and European Studies.
80 Karaoli & Dimitriou str., PC 185 34, Piraeus