Asderaki Foteini
- Name: Foteini Asderaki
- Title: Professor
- Material: European Integration Theories: "European Educational Policy"
- Office: 304 (Gr. Lampraki 126 Str.)
- Tel.: +30.210-414-2652
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- Jean Monnet Chair:
Short Bio
Foteini Asderaki is a Professor of European Integration Theory and European Educational Policy at the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus. She is the elected Chair of the European Security and Defence College Doctoral School, in Brussels since 2019. She holds a Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Policies in Education, Training, Research and Innovation issued by the European Commission in 2016. She is the Director of the Laboratory of Education Policy, Research, Development and Interuniversity Cooperation (ERDIC); she is also the director of the Bologna Resource Center and the co-director of the Regional Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (East-Med Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence-EXCELEM). She is the academic coordinator of the European Parliament Ambassador Programme, of the Teachers4Europe Network and other European programmes. She is a member of scientific associations, and she has participated in international conferences (ISA, CES, ESA, ECPR, UACES). She had been a Board member Vice Chair of the Steering Committee of the Unesco’s International Bureau of Education, Geneva. She had been an Advisor at the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs on European and issues, intercultural and inclusion of migrants’ affairs (2015); and she worked at the same Ministry during 2002-09. She participated in several ministerial conferences and in bilateral and European working groups. She holds a PhD with distinction in Political Sciences issued by the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, School of Law, Economic and Political Sciences of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her Thesis, entitled as “The Formation of an International Regime: The European Higher Education Area” was awarded by the Hellenic University Association for European Studies the Honorary Grant of the National Bank of Greece in memorial of Theodoros Karatzas for the best dissertation (2004-8). She has also been awarded twice a scholarship by the State Scholarship Foundation. In addition, she followed four years of pedagogical studies. She has published books and articles on European integration issues.
Academic development
2019 -2025: elected Chair of the European Security and Defence College Doctoral School, Brussels.2023 Full Professor2018: Associate Professor2014: Assistant Professor2009: Lecturer2006-2008 Teaching Fellow PD 407/80 University of PiraeusPrevious Working Experience
She worked at the Greek Ministry of Education (2002-2009) at the Department of International Relations, the Department for European Affairs and the Secretariat for Higher Education. During her career she was:
- Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (2002-2009)
- Member of the Bologna Follow Up Group, (2004-2009)
- Deputy Member of the Board of the Bologna Process (2005-06)
- Member of the Life Long Learning Working Group of the Bologna Process (2007-2009
- Deputy Member of the External dimension Group of the Bologna Process (2005-2009)
- Member of the Stocktaking Group of the Bologna Process (2005-07)
- Deputy Member of the Cluster on Modernization of Higher Education, founded by the European Commission (2009).
- Member of the Greek-German Committee for cooperation in Higher Education (2004-2009)
- Deputy member of the Greek-French Committee for cooperation in Higher Education (2004-09)
- Member of the Committee for the National Qualification Framework (2006-2009).
- Member of the Greek Delegation in
- Bergen Ministerial Conference (2005),
- London Ministerial Conference (2007),
- Leuven/ Louvain la Neuve Ministerial Conference (2009)
- Contact person for the Erasmus Mundus Programme (2004)
- Contact person for the regional initiatives
- Adriatic-Ionian Cooperation(UNIADRION),
- Black Sea Economic Cooperation,
- Stability Pact (Graz Process)
- Member of the Task Force of the Stability Pact for the prepparation of the Ministerial Conference in Nicosia, 2003
- Member of the Committee supporting the Greek Presidency of the EU (2003)
Research Interests
- European Integration Theories; European Union Governance and Policies, EU as Global Actors, European Security and Defence
Research Programmes
- Academic Coordinator –Erasmus KA3 “Teachers4Europe: setting an Agora for Democratic Culture” (2018-2021).
- Co-director of the Regional Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EXCELEM Coordinator Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel (2018-2021)
- Member of the Scientific Committee, Erasmus KA+ 3 “ΤEACHmi-Teacher preparation for migrant school inclusion” (2019-2022).
- Jean Monnet Chair on European Union Policies in Education, Training, Research and Innovation (2016-19).
- Member of the Scientific Committee, Erasmus+ UPGRADE, Upskilling Refugees and Adult Educators, (2018-20).
- Academic Coordinator, Jean Monnet Programme, “Include European Values” IncludU (2016-18)
- Scientific supervisor/educator -European Parliament School Ambassadors Programme (2015-2019).
- Partner/ Academic Coordinator on behalf of the University of Piraeus, Jean Monnet Network “Governance, Pluralism & Trans - Nationalisation in Europe-GovUnet”, (2016-19) (Coordinator University of Aegean).
- Partner/ Academic Coordinator on behalf of the University of Piraeus, Jean Monnet Network “Nexus of European Centers Abroad for Research on EHEA-NEAR-EU”, 2016-19 (Academic Coordinator Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel).
- Member of the Scientific Committee, Erasmus KA2, “Eastern Mediterranean Regional Training Partnership” 2016-19.
- Member of the Scientific Committee, Jean Monnet Information Project “The European Union’s Outermost Regions in the Caribbean and their Sovereign Neighbors - Between
- Regional Integration and External Alignments” (2016-18) (Coordinator University of Siegen)
- Partner/ Academic Coordinator on behalf of the University of Piraeus,Erasmus KA2 “Rethinking Democratic Awareness and Collective Responsibility for a whole-school approach”-DEMOKLEOS (2015-2018).
- Academic Coordinator – Jean Monnet Programme, “Universities 4EU” U4EU (2014-16)
- Ακαδημαϊκή Συντονίστρια- Jean Monnet Europe at Schools through Art and Simulation (EuropeStARTS)” στο πλαίσιο της Δράσης KA1 του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος LLP – Jean Monnet “Learning EU at Schools” (2013-14).
- Academic Coordinator – Jean Monnet “YouthActiv”, LLP– Jean Monnet Information and Research Activities (2013-14).
- Academic Coordinator, “Bringing Europe to School Teachers (B.E.S.T.)”, LLP – Jean Monnet Programme, ΚΑ1 “Learning EU at School” (2012-13).
- Educator “Teachers 4 Europe ”organized by the Representation of the European Commission in Greece (2011-18).
- National Correspondent in the research program“National Conditions of cross-national policy convergence in the context of the Bologna Process”, funded by German Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft -DFG) (2010-2011).
- National Correspondent in the report of the Council of Europe “Synthesis of the replies received from national QF correspondents”, Directorate General IV: Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport (Directorate of School, Out-of-School and Higher Education – Higher Education and Research Division DGIV/EDU/HE (2008) 27 rev.Orig. Eng.Strasbourg, 9 March 2009.
- National Correspondent in the roject “Mapping on the co-operation between HEIs and the private sector in Europe” Danish Technological Institute, Τechnopolis χρηματοδοτούμενο από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή (2008).
- National Correspondent in the Project “Career Development in Higher Education Management: Analysis of European Models, funded by the German Ministry of Education (BMBF) and implemented by the an international consortium [CHE (Centre for Higher Education Development in Gütersloh, Germany), CHEPS (Center for Higher Education
- Policy Studies in Enschede, The Netherlands) and ESMU (European Centre for Strategic Management of Universities, Brussels) (2008).
- Member of the research team for the implementation of the European Credit and Transfer System and the Diploma Supplement in Greece, ΙΚΥ/ΥΠΕΠΘ, 2008.
- National Correspondent in the project “Curricular Reform in 32 countries”, implemented by the International for Higher Education Management (ICHEM), in cooperation with CHEPS, CHE, ESMU, NIFU–STEP funded by the European (2006).
- Institutions and Governance of the EU
- Policies of the EU
- European Defence, Security and Political Integration
- European Integration: Conceptual and Theoretical Approaches
- EU Policies in Education, Training, Research and Innovation
- Tziampiris, A. and F. Asderaki (eds) “The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed - Emerging issues and new actors, Springer forthcoming.
- Asderaki, F. and Chrysomallidis Ch. (2020), The European Higher Education and the European Research Areas, Sideris (forthcoming in Greek)
- Asderaki, F. ed. (2019), Studying, Teaching Learning the EU, Athens: Sideris
- Asderaki, F. & Gousios Charalampos (2011), Politiques educatives dans l’ Union Europeène: le defit du multilinguisme, Athene : Ellin Publications.
- Asderaki, F. (2008a), Europe and Paideia. The European Higher Education Area [Evropi kai Paideia. O Evropaikos Horos Anwtatis Ekpaidefsis], Athens: Sideris, 587 pages [in Greek].
- Kyriazis, A. & F. Asderaki (2008b), Monographs on Higher Education: Higher Education in Greece, Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES.
- Asderaki F. (2013) (ed.), Learning EU Together, e-book under the Jean Monnet Programme, ‘’Bringing Europe to School Teachers (B.E.ST)’’, 2012/13, 70 pages [in Greek].
Working papers
- Asderaki, F. (2013), «The prospect of leaving the United Kingdom from the European Union. Integration and national sovereignty.», Centre for Security Studies.
- Asderaki, F. (2013), «The institutional changes after the Lisbon Treaty and the Role of National Parliaments», Centre for Security Studies.
- Asderaki, F. & M. Tsinisizelis (2008), «Vocational Training in the perspective of the New European Architecture»,Hellenic Centre for European Studies (ΕΚΕΜ), 9 March 2008.
Papers/Articles and Chapters
- Asderaki, F. (2013), “To be or not to be? United Kingdom’s participation in the European Union”, Paper presented in ICIB, Thessaloniki 16-18 May 2013.
- Asderaki, F (2013), “Effectiveness and Regime Complexity: The Diffusion of Higher Education Reforms in the European Union Countries”, Paper submitted to the ISA Annual Convention in San Francisco, U.S. 3-6 April 2013.
- Asderaki, F. (2013), ‘’The economic crisis and its impact on the scientists’ immigration in Greece’’, University of Peloponnese, Loutraki 6-8 December 2013 (proceedings forthcoming).
- Asderaki, F. (2012), “Internationalization: challenges and opportunities for Greek higher education in a time of crisis”, in Bitzenis. A. & V. A. Vlachos (eds), International Conference of International Business, University of Macedonia, pp. 463-484.
- Asderaki, F. & I. Mamakou (2012), “Going digital or not? Internationalising Higher Education in Greece through Online Learning, in Alexandris, N., Vlamos, P., Douligeris, Chr., and B. Belesiotis, 4rd Conference on Informatics in Education 2012, Greek Computer Society, pp 630-645.
- Asderaki, F. & D. Maragos (2012), “The Internationalization of Higher Education: the added value of the European Portals and Social Media Pages for the National and Institutional Strategies, paper will be presented in ICICTE 2012, 5-7 July, 2012, Rhodes, Greece, (available at
- Asderaki, F. (2012), Education, Culture, Integration: EU policies evolution, experiences and results” [Paideia, Morfosi kai Oloklirosi: H diadromi twn evropaikon politikon, empiries kai symerasmata], paper presented in the Conference organised by the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus along with the Hellenic Parliament, 29-30 March 2012, Athens Greece (proceedings forthcoming in Greek).
- Kyriazis, A. & F. Asderaki (2012), “Governance and Leadership within higher education: the role of the Rector, University of Piraeus, Honorary volume for the Rector Sotirios Karvounis, University of Piraeus, pp. 401-416 [in Greek].
- Asderaki, F. (2011), “Developing Polyarchy? The New EU Foreign Policy Architecture after Lisbon Treaty and the implications for Greece” paper presented at the MGSA Sympocium 2011, New York University, New York 15 October 2011.
- Asderaki, F. (2011), ‘The Europeanization of the Greek Higher Education (1999-2009)’ in N. Maravegias (ed.), Europeanization in the Mediterranean Area, Nomiki Vivliothiki, pp. 297-326 [in Greek].
- Asderaki, F., Moysiadis, A., Adonakakis, G., Papp, A., Kontizas, S. and G. Panagopoulou (2011), “Enhancing Student Participation in the Public Debate through Simulation Exercises”, in Simons, M., Decuypere, M., Vlieghe, J. , Masschelein, J. (eds), Curating the European University, Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 89-96.
- Αsderaki F. (2011), ‘The impact of Greek participation in EU on the Higher Education and Research Policies” XVI Scientific Symposium «30 years of Greek participation on European integration», University of Piraeus 1-2 December 2011, (proceedings forthcoming).
- Vroharidou, A., F. Asderaki & Korres, K.(2011), “Facebook’s academic utility in Greek higher education: The case of International and European Studies’ students”, in Alexandris, N., Vlamos, P., Douligeris, Chr., and B. Belesiotis, 3rd Conference on Informatics in Education 2012, Greek Computer Society, pp. 488-499.
- Gkousios Ch, Asderaki F. (2011), Internationalization of higher education and French teaching simulation’s models, Sofia international conference proceedings.
- Asderaki, F. (2010), ‘The institutional reforms of the Lisbon Convention’, in P. Kanellopoulos (ed.), The Lisbon Convention and the Greek legal system, [forthcoming in Greek].
- Asderaki, F. (2010), “The university in the midst of new challenges: financing and governance in search of excellence”, Filileftheri Emfasi, Vol. 45, pp. 108-119 [in Greek].
- Asderaki, F. (2010), “The Bologna Process and the enhancement of Employability” [H Diadikasia tis Mpolonia kai o stohos enishysis tis apasxolisimotitas] in Papadakis, Ν. & Μ. Spyridakis (eds), Labor market, Training and Employment in Greece. Institutions, Structures and Policies [Agora Ergasias, Katartisi kai Apasholisi stin Ellada. Thesmoi, Domes kai Politikes], Athens: Sideris, pp. 117-161 [in Greek].
- Asderaki, F. (2010), “The Quality Dimension of the Bologna Process: A window of opportunity for the development of closer relations between European Countries and institutions and their counterparts in the Mediterranean and Middle-East Area, World International Conference on Education (WICE-2010), 19-20 May, Amman Jordan.
- Vrocharidou, A., Asderaki, F. & Korres, K. (2010), “Internet Application within the Greek Higher Education. The use of Social Networking”, World International Conference on Education (WICE-2010), 19-20 May, Amman Jordan.
- Asderaki, F. (2010), “Higher education between cooperation and competition: the role of quality assurance, paper presented in the International Conference “Creating a Transnational Higher Education Area: Partnership, Competitiveness, and Development International Conference, University of Trento, April 22-23, 2010.
- Asderaki, F., Goussios, Ch., E. Loukis, N. Konofaos (2010), “L’enseignement supérieur grec face au numérique: une étude comparative», CIUEN 2010 : Colloque International de l’Université à l” Ere du Numérique, 14-16 Juin, Strasbourg.
- Asderaki, F. & Ch. Goussios (2010), “L’apport des langues étrangères dans l’enseignement supérieur grec: une approche de bonnes pratiques de promotion de l’apprentissage de la langue française adoptées par l’Université du Pirée, CREFECO, Colloque «Le français de demain- enjeux éducatifs et professionnels», Sofia du 28 au 30 Octobre 2010.
- Asderaki, F. (2009), “The European Educational Policy for the enhancement of multilingualism” published in Conference Proceedings of the “Association Panhellénique des Enseignants de Français Diplômés Universitaires” under the title «Stratégies d’apprentissage du FrançaisLangue Étrangère (FLE), 31 October 2009.
- Asderaki, F. (2009), “The Impact of the Bologna Process on the Development of the Greek Quality Assurance System”, Quality in Higher Education, Vol. 15 Issue 2 2009, pp. 105 – 122.
- Asderaki, F. (2008), ‘Implementing Bologna: The Greek Case’, in EUA Bologna Handbook : Making Bologna Work, E. Froment, J. Kohler, L. Purser, L. Wilson (eds.), Berlin: RaabeAsderaki, F. (2007), “The Impact of the Bologna Process on the Development of the Hellenic Quality Assurance System”. Paper presented at the 2nd Athens International Proceedings of the Conference on University Assessment: Assessing Quality. Athens, Greece, October 12-14, 2007, σσ. 186-206.
- Asderaki, F. (2006), ‘’Life Long Learning Policies: Municipalities’ role’’, Paper published in the conference proceedings ‘History and Culture of Agxialos Hellenism: 100 years from the Holocaust’, New Agxialos, 28-30 July, pp 218-234.
- Asderaki, F. (2006), “Historical Background and Key Features of the Bologna Process”, Proceedings of the Bologna Process Official Seminar: Putting European Higher Education Area on the Map: Developing Strategies for Attractiveness, 24-26 June 2006, Athens, pp.45-52.
- Asderaki, F. & Gousios Charalampos (2011), Politiques educatives dans l’ Union Europeène: le defit du multilinguisme, Athene : Ellin Publications.
- Asderaki, F. (2008a), Europe and Paideia. The European Higher Education Area [Evropi kai Paideia. O Evropaikos Horos Anwtatis Ekpaidefsis], Athens: Sideris, 587 pages [in Greek].
- Kyriazis, A. & F. Asderaki (2008b), Monographs on Higher Education: Higher Education in Greece, Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES.
- Asderaki F. (2013) (ed.), Learning EU Together, e-book under the Jean Monnet Programme, ‘’Bringing Europe to School Teachers (B.E.ST)’’, 2012/13, 70 pages [in Greek].
Working papers
- Asderaki, F. (2013), «The prospect of leaving the United Kingdom from the European Union. Integration and national sovereignty.», Centre for Security Studies.
- Asderaki, F. (2013), «The institutional changes after the Lisbon Treaty and the Role of National Parliaments», Centre for Security Studies.
- Asderaki, F. & M. Tsinisizelis (2008), «Vocational Training in the perspective of the New European Architecture»,Hellenic Centre for European Studies (ΕΚΕΜ), 9 March 2008.
Papers/Articles and Chapters
- Asderaki, F. (2013), “To be or not to be? United Kingdom’s participation in the European Union”, Paper presented in ICIB, Thessaloniki 16-18 May 2013.
- Asderaki, F (2013), “Effectiveness and Regime Complexity: The Diffusion of Higher Education Reforms in the European Union Countries”, Paper submitted to the ISA Annual Convention in San Francisco, U.S. 3-6 April 2013.
- Asderaki, F. (2013), ‘’The economic crisis and its impact on the scientists’ immigration in Greece’’, University of Peloponnese, Loutraki 6-8 December 2013 (proceedings forthcoming).
- Asderaki, F. (2012), “Internationalization: challenges and opportunities for Greek higher education in a time of crisis”, in Bitzenis. A. & V. A. Vlachos (eds), International Conference of International Business, University of Macedonia, pp. 463-484.
- Asderaki, F. & I. Mamakou (2012), “Going digital or not? Internationalising Higher Education in Greece through Online Learning, in Alexandris, N., Vlamos, P., Douligeris, Chr., and B. Belesiotis, 4rd Conference on Informatics in Education 2012, Greek Computer Society, pp 630-645.
- Asderaki, F. & D. Maragos (2012), “The Internationalization of Higher Education: the added value of the European Portals and Social Media Pages for the National and Institutional Strategies, paper will be presented in ICICTE 2012, 5-7 July, 2012, Rhodes, Greece, (available at
- Asderaki, F. (2012), Education, Culture, Integration: EU policies evolution, experiences and results” [Paideia, Morfosi kai Oloklirosi: H diadromi twn evropaikon politikon, empiries kai symerasmata], paper presented in the Conference organised by the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus along with the Hellenic Parliament, 29-30 March 2012, Athens Greece (proceedings forthcoming in Greek).
- Kyriazis, A. & F. Asderaki (2012), “Governance and Leadership within higher education: the role of the Rector, University of Piraeus, Honorary volume for the Rector Sotirios Karvounis, University of Piraeus, pp. 401-416 [in Greek].
- Asderaki, F. (2011), “Developing Polyarchy? The New EU Foreign Policy Architecture after Lisbon Treaty and the implications for Greece” paper presented at the MGSA Sympocium 2011, New York University, New York 15 October 2011.
- Asderaki, F. (2011), ‘The Europeanization of the Greek Higher Education (1999-2009)’ in N. Maravegias (ed.), Europeanization in the Mediterranean Area, Nomiki Vivliothiki, pp. 297-326 [in Greek].
- Asderaki, F., Moysiadis, A., Adonakakis, G., Papp, A., Kontizas, S. and G. Panagopoulou (2011), “Enhancing Student Participation in the Public Debate through Simulation Exercises”, in Simons, M., Decuypere, M., Vlieghe, J. , Masschelein, J. (eds), Curating the European University, Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 89-96.
- Αsderaki F. (2011), ‘The impact of Greek participation in EU on the Higher Education and Research Policies” XVI Scientific Symposium «30 years of Greek participation on European integration», University of Piraeus 1-2 December 2011, (proceedings forthcoming).
- Vroharidou, A., F. Asderaki & Korres, K.(2011), “Facebook’s academic utility in Greek higher education: The case of International and European Studies’ students”, in Alexandris, N., Vlamos, P., Douligeris, Chr., and B. Belesiotis, 3rd Conference on Informatics in Education 2012, Greek Computer Society, pp. 488-499.
- Gkousios Ch, Asderaki F. (2011), Internationalization of higher education and French teaching simulation’s models, Sofia international conference proceedings.
- Asderaki, F. (2010), ‘The institutional reforms of the Lisbon Convention’, in P. Kanellopoulos (ed.), The Lisbon Convention and the Greek legal system, [forthcoming in Greek].
- Asderaki, F. (2010), “The university in the midst of new challenges: financing and governance in search of excellence”, Filileftheri Emfasi, Vol. 45, pp. 108-119 [in Greek].
- Asderaki, F. (2010), “The Bologna Process and the enhancement of Employability” [H Diadikasia tis Mpolonia kai o stohos enishysis tis apasxolisimotitas] in Papadakis, Ν. & Μ. Spyridakis (eds), Labor market, Training and Employment in Greece. Institutions, Structures and Policies [Agora Ergasias, Katartisi kai Apasholisi stin Ellada. Thesmoi, Domes kai Politikes], Athens: Sideris, pp. 117-161 [in Greek].
- Asderaki, F. (2010), “The Quality Dimension of the Bologna Process: A window of opportunity for the development of closer relations between European Countries and institutions and their counterparts in the Mediterranean and Middle-East Area, World International Conference on Education (WICE-2010), 19-20 May, Amman Jordan.
- Vrocharidou, A., Asderaki, F. & Korres, K. (2010), “Internet Application within the Greek Higher Education. The use of Social Networking”, World International Conference on Education (WICE-2010), 19-20 May, Amman Jordan.
- Asderaki, F. (2010), “Higher education between cooperation and competition: the role of quality assurance, paper presented in the International Conference “Creating a Transnational Higher Education Area: Partnership, Competitiveness, and Development International Conference, University of Trento, April 22-23, 2010.
- Asderaki, F., Goussios, Ch., E. Loukis, N. Konofaos (2010), “L’enseignement supérieur grec face au numérique: une étude comparative», CIUEN 2010 : Colloque International de l’Université à l” Ere du Numérique, 14-16 Juin, Strasbourg.
- Asderaki, F. & Ch. Goussios (2010), “L’apport des langues étrangères dans l’enseignement supérieur grec: une approche de bonnes pratiques de promotion de l’apprentissage de la langue française adoptées par l’Université du Pirée, CREFECO, Colloque «Le français de demain- enjeux éducatifs et professionnels», Sofia du 28 au 30 Octobre 2010.
- Asderaki, F. (2009), “The European Educational Policy for the enhancement of multilingualism” published in Conference Proceedings of the “Association Panhellénique des Enseignants de Français Diplômés Universitaires” under the title «Stratégies d’apprentissage du FrançaisLangue Étrangère (FLE), 31 October 2009.
- Asderaki, F. (2009), “The Impact of the Bologna Process on the Development of the Greek Quality Assurance System”, Quality in Higher Education, Vol. 15 Issue 2 2009, pp. 105 – 122.
- Asderaki, F. (2008), ‘Implementing Bologna: The Greek Case’, in EUA Bologna Handbook : Making Bologna Work, E. Froment, J. Kohler, L. Purser, L. Wilson (eds.), Berlin: RaabeAsderaki, F. (2007), “The Impact of the Bologna Process on the Development of the Hellenic Quality Assurance System”. Paper presented at the 2nd Athens International Proceedings of the Conference on University Assessment: Assessing Quality. Athens, Greece, October 12-14, 2007, σσ. 186-206.
- Asderaki, F. (2006), ‘’Life Long Learning Policies: Municipalities’ role’’, Paper published in the conference proceedings ‘History and Culture of Agxialos Hellenism: 100 years from the Holocaust’, New Agxialos, 28-30 July, pp 218-234.
- Asderaki, F. (2006), “Historical Background and Key Features of the Bologna Process”, Proceedings of the Bologna Process Official Seminar: Putting European Higher Education Area on the Map: Developing Strategies for Attractiveness, 24-26 June 2006, Athens, pp.45-52.
Full CV