Platias Athanasios
- Name: Platias Athanasios
- Title: Professor
- Material: Strategic Studies
- Office: 402 (150 Androutsou Str.)
- Tel.: +30.210-414-2708
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Athanassios G. Platias is Professor of Strategy at the University of Piraeus (2007-now). He is also director of the graduate program in International and European studies, University of Piraeus (2012-now)Athanassios G. Platias is Professor of Strategy at the University of Piraeus (2007-now). He is also director of the graduate program in International and European studies, University of Piraeus (2012-now).
He received a degree in Public Law and Political Science (with excellence) from the Law Faculty of the University of Athens (1979). He also received an M.A and a Ph.D in International Relations from the Department of Government at Cornell University (1986).
He has been a Ford Foundation Fellow at the Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, a Research Fellow at the Peace Studies Program, Cornell University; MacArthur Fellow in International Peace and Security at the Program for Science, Technology and International Security, MIT and the Center for International Affairs, Harvard University.
Professor Platias taught for 18 years (1989-2007) at the Department of International and European Studies at Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences, Athens Greece.
Professor Platias held several senior policy advisory positions in various Greek Ministries during the last 30 years. He was also chairman of the Department of International and European Studies (2008-2013) and a member of the Supervisory Council of the University of Piraeus (2012-2017).
Professor Platias is the author of numerous books and articles. He has written in five principal areas:
- Grand Strategy
- Geopolitics and Geoeconomics
- International Security
- Theory of International Relations
- International Relations and Strategy in Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War.
His most recent book on strategy is an analysis of the ancient Chinese treatise Sun Tzu's Art of War
- History of International Relations and Strategic Studies
- US Diplomacy and Strategy
- Theories of State, Law and Economy - Fundamental Texts
- Introduction to International Relations - Energy Geopolitics
- Theory of International Relations
- Game Strategy and Theory
Teaching Experience:
- 1981-1983: Teaching Assistant, Cornell University.
- 1989-1996: Assistant Professor, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
- 1996-2006: Associate Professor, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
- 2006-2020: Professor, University of Piraeus
(Courses: Introduction in International Relations – Geopolitics of Energy, Theory of International Relations, Theories of the State, History of International Relations and Strategy, Strategy and Game Theory, Diplomacy and Strategy of the U.S.A (Undergraduate), Theory of International Relations, Strategy in War and Business, Geopolitics and International Security, Geopolitics of Energy, Administration, Strategy and Leadership in Education (Postgraduate)).
- Spring 2019: Visiting Professor, Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University, China.
Research Experience:
- 2019: Member of the Council for Foreign Relations, Greece.
- 1990-2006: Director of Research, Institute of International Relations, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece.
- 1987-89: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, and, Program for Science and International Security, MIT, MacArthur Fellow in International Security, U.S.A..
- 1985-86: Center for International Studies/ Peace Studies Program, Cornell University, Research Fellow, U.S.A..
- 1984-85: Swedish institute of International Relations, Research Fellow, Sweden.
- 1983-84: International Institute of strategic Studies, London, U.K. and The Leonard Davis Institute for International relations, Hebrew University, Israel, Visiting Research Fellow.
- 1980-83: Center for International Studies/ Peace Studies Program, Cornell University, Ford Foundation Research Fellow, U.S.A..
- 1979-80 Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard, Ford Foundation Research Fellow, U.S.A..
Selective Publications:
- Platias, Athanassios and Koliopoulos Constantinos, The Art of Strategy: fifty rules for war, politics, business and everyday life (forthcoming, Diavlos Publications, 2020) (in Greek)
- “The Grand Strategy of Themistocles”, Proceedings of the Conference Thermopylae-Salamis: Evaluating their importance in contemporary world, Marianna V. Vardinoyannis Foundation, 20/01/2020 (forthcoming, 2020)
- “Against Determinism: Unraveling the Thucydides Trap and uncovering the logic of strategy in the Peloponnesian war”, The Chinese Journal of International Politics (forthcoming 2020).
- Stergios Babanasis, & Athanassios, Platias G. & Seimenis Ioannis (eds.), The Geostrategic Changes in the Mediterranean and their Implications (Athens: Papazisis Publications, 2019).
- “The Geopolitical Challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean”, in Stergios Babanasis, & Athanassios, Platias G. & Seimenis Ioannis (eds.), The Geostrategic Changes in the Mediterranean and their Implications (Athens: Papazisis Publications, 2019).
- “Inadvertent Escalation: Strategies for Crisis Management”, Athena 2019, Hellenic National Defence General Staff, Hellenic Ministry of National Defence, Greece.
- “Distribution of Power and War in the International System”, 2nd Land Forces Conference, Hellenic Army General Staff & Institute of International Relations, Hellenic Army Academy, Vari, Attika, Greece, 27-28/09/2018.
- Platias, Athanassios G. and Koliopoulos Constantinos, The Art of War of Sun Tzu (Athens: Diavlos Publications, 2015) (in Greek).
- Platias Athanassios, G. & Κoliopoulos, Constantinos, Thucydides on Strategy: Grand Strategies in the Peloponnesian War and Their Relevance Today (Columbia University Press/C. Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd., 2010).
- “Grand Strategies Clashing: Athenian and Spartan Grand Strategies in Thucydides “History of the Peloponnesian War” (with C. Koliopoulos), Comparative Strategy, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2002, pp.377-399.
- Greek-American Relations from the Early Cold War to the Present: An Overview”, in E. Rossides (ed.), Greece’s Pivotal Role in World War II and its Importance to the US Today (Washington, D.C.: American Hellenic Institute Foundation, 2001), pp.137-155.
- “Spartan Grand Strategy during the Peloponnesian War” (with C. Koliopoulos), Etudes Helleniques/Hellenic Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 2000, pp.23-70.
- “The Future of NATO and the Question of Stability in the Balkans”, in D. Kerides & R. Pfaltzgraff L., Jr., NATO and the Southern Europe: Security Issues for the Early 21st Century (Dulles, Brassey’s, 2000), pp.129-133.
- “Greek Deterrence Strategy”, in Aldo Chircop & André Gerolymatos & John Iatrides (eds.), The Aegean Sea after the Cold War: Security and Law of the Sea Issues (London: Macmillan, 2000), pp.61-86.
- Stephanos Constantinides and Athanassios Platias, “Thucydides, The Classical Theorist of International Relations”, Etudes Helleniques/Hellenic Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, Autumn 1998.
- “Thucydides on Grand Strategy: Periclean Grand Strategy during the Peloponnesian War”, in Thucydides: The Classical Theorist of International Relations, Etudes Helleniques/Hellenic Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, Autumn 1998, pp.53-103.
- “Greek Deterrence Strategy”, in C. Arvanitopoulos (ed.), Security Dilemmas in Eurasia (Athens: Nereus Editions, 1998), pp.165-198.
- “Asymmetrical Deterrence: Greece Facing Turkey in Cyprus and the Aegean”, στο R.C. Sharma & S. Epaminondas (eds.), Cyprus: In Search of Peace and Justice (New Delhi: Somali 1997), pp.162-178.
- “Greek Deterrence Strategy”, in Etudes Helleniques/Hellenic Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, Autumn 1996, pp.33-54.
- “Security Regimes in the Balkans”, East European Monographs, Columbia University Press, No. CDXLIV, 1996, pp.9-29.
- The New International System: A Realist Approach of International Relations (Athens: Papazisis Publications, 1995).
- “High Politics in Small Countries”, International Relations Theory at a Crossroads: Cosmos Yearbook, 1995 (New York & Athens: Caratzas, 1995), pp.155-168.
- Constas, Dimitri C. & Platias, Athanassios G. (eds.), Diasporas in World Politics: The Greeks in Comparative Perspective (London: Macmillan, 1993).
- “Asymmetrical Deterrence”, in A. Klieman & A. Levite (eds.), Deterrence in the Middle East: Where Theory and Practice Converge (Boulder: Westview Press, 1993), pp. 45-62.
- Platias Athanassios, G. & Ifestos Panayiotis, Greek Deterrence Strategy (Athens: Papazisis Publications, 1992) (in Greek).
- “Prospects for Naval Arms Control in the Eastern Mediterranean”, in A. Furst & V. Heise & S. Miller (eds.), Europe and Naval Arms Control in the Gorbachev Era (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992), pp.250-268.
- “Greece’s Strategic Doctrine: In Search of Autonomy and Deterrence”, in Dimitri Constas (ed.), The Greek-Turkish Conflict in the 1990s (London: Macmillan, 1991), pp.91-108.
- “Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of American Military Bases in Greece”, in Jane M. Sharp (ed.), Europe After American Withdrawal: Economic and Military Issues (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990), pp.218-242.
Selective Conference Presentations:
- “Crisis Management and Strategic Instability”, 7th Conference in Greek Grand Strategy, “International Crisis Management: Challenges for Greek foreign and defense policy, Institute of International Relations, Panteion University in cooperation with the National Defense College, Hellenic Armed Forces Officers Club, Athens, Greece, 18/03/2020.
- “The Grand Strategy of Themistocles”, Conference Thermopylae-Salamis: Evaluating their importance in contemporary world, Thermopylae-Salamis 2020, Marianna V. Vardinoyannis Foundation, 20/01/2020 (forthcoming, 2020).
- “Security Dimensions of Transatlantic Energy Cooperation: The Effects on the Eastern Mediterranean”, First Annual Eastern Mediterranean Energy Leadership Summit, Transatlantic Leadership Network, the University of Piraeus - MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law & Economics of the Department of International & European Studies, and SGT S.A., Divani Apollon Palace & Thallasso, Greece, 01-02/10/2019.
- “Belt and Road Initiative: Geopolitical and Geo-economic Considerations”, Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation – Tsinghua University Symposium, “China, Greece and Eastern Mediterranean”, 10 & 11 May 2019.
- “Thucydides Trap”, Peking University, April 2019.
- “E.U. Security Considerations: Prospects and Challenges”, Law school Carnegie Endowment for Peace, Peking, 2019.
- “The Future of European Security Cooperation”, Perspectives on European Political and Security Issues, Carnegie–Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, China, 14/03/2019.
- “USA: GLOBAL SHIFTS AND NATIONAL PRIORITIES”, DELPHI ECONOMIC FORUM IV, The Challenge of Inclusive Growth, Delphi, Greece, February 28 - March 3, 2019.
- “CHINA 2019: A NEW PARADIGM OF GLOBALIZATION?”, DELPHI ECONOMIC FORUM IV, The Challenge of Inclusive Growth Delphi, Greece | February 28 - March 3, 2019.
- “The Problem of Inadvertent Escalation: Strategies for Crisis Management”, ATHENA 2018: Security and Crisis Management International Conference, Hellenic Ministry of National Defence, Hellenic National Defence General Staff, 13-15/11/2018.
- “Power Shifts in a Multipolar World”, DELPHI ECONOMIC FORUM, “Outlook for Greece and the Region Vision 2020-2030, European Cultural Centre, Amalia Hotel, Delphi, Greece, 02-05/03/2017.
- “The Shifting Geopolitical Framework”, ATHENS ENERGY FORUM 2017: «Energy Security Challenges and Strategic Opportunities», Co-hosted by The New York Times, Athens Hilton Hotel, Greece, 01-02/02/2017.
- “Sources of Instability in the Eastern Mediterranean”, The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Political Studies Bar-Ilan University, BESA Center Seminar Room, 01/03/2016.
- “Competing Grand Strategies in the Eastern Mediterranean”, International Conference The Eastern Mediterranean Between East and West, Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus and The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), 21/05/2015.
- "Competing Grand Strategies in the Eastern Mediterranean", The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), the University of Piraeus (Greece), the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, Conference on Critical Issues in the Eastern Mediterranean, Washington D.C., U.S.A., 17/11/2014.
- “Europe and the Global Distribution of Power” και « Coping with Crisis: The Greek Experience», Conference: India, Europe and the Emerging World Order, JNU JEAN MONNET CHAIR International Seminar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, 28/02/ 2013.
- “Europe and the Global Distribution of Power”, Integration and Democracy in the Crucible of the European Debt Crisis, Remarque Institute, New York University, co-sponsored with the University of Piraeus, New York, U.S.A., 05/10/2012.
- “Strategic Development in the Eastern Mediterranean”, “Greece and Israel in a Changing Region”, BESA Center, Πανεπιστήμιο Bar-Ilan, Israel, 16/11/2011.
- “The Greek Strategy: Threats and Opportunities”, “The Greek Financial Crisis and International Responses”, Co-sponsored by the University of Piraeus, the Harriman Institute, and the Program in Hellenic Studies, Columbia University, U.S.A., 12/04/2011.
Major Honors and Awards:
- 2010: Platias, Athanasios G., Koliopoulos, Constantinos, Thucydides on Strategy: Athenian and Spartan Grand Strategies in the Peloponnesian War and their Relevance Today, New York: Columbia University Press, 2010: Recommended from the “Defence Academy of the United Kingdom”.
- 1995-1997 NATO Research Fellowship
- 1991-1992 NATO Research Fellowship
- 1989-1991 Research Grants from Ford Foundation and MacArthur Foundation
- 1987-1990 Social Science Research Council-MacArthur Foundation Fellowship in International Peace and Security
- 1985-1986 Cornell University, Peace Studies Program Fellowship
- 1984-1985 The Swedish Institute, Council of Europe Fellowship
- 1983-1984 Cornell University, Western Societies Program, Sicca Award
- 1982-1992 Aerojet General Corporation, Josephine de Karman Fellowship
- 1980-1982 Cornell University Fellowship
- 1979-1980 Ford Foundation Fellowship
Participation in Academic Associations and Other Activities:
- International Institute of Strategic Studies (London) (member)
- American Political Science Association (member)
- International Studies Association (member)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Etudes Hellenique / Hellenic Studies (Canada) (1992-2010)
- Member of the Advisory Board, Foundation for Hellenic Studies, Washington, D.C..
- Member of the Academic Committee of the Delphi Economic Forum (2015-2020).
- Member of the Hellenic Association of International Law and International Relations.
- Editorial Board, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies (2007-2011)
- External Reviewer, in procedures of academic promotion in Greece and abroad (e.g. Israel)
- External Reviewer in Ph.D. Assessment Committees (e.g. King’s College, London)