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Strategy in the 21st Century
TINOS, JULY 1-6, 2017
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Arrival to Tinos – Dinner.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
10:00 Welcome and briefing.
10:15-12:00 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan
Harry Papasotiriou
12:00-12:30 Coffee Break.
12:30-14:00 The wars in Iraq and Syria.
Harry Papasotiriou
Monday, July 3, 2017
10:00-11:00 Strategy and irregular warfare.
John Stivachtis
11:00-12:00 Rape and war.
Amikam Nachmani
12:00-12:30 Coffee Break.
12:30-14:00 Migration, religion and security focused on radicalization and violent extremism.
Constantinos Filis, Ino Afentouli and Elizabeth Prodromou
14:00-14:30 Teaching Analysis: Simulation Strategies in the Intelligence Studies
Myrto Nikolakou
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
10:00-12:00 What do we know about Cyber Conflict and war?
Brandon Valeriano
12:00-12:30 Coffee Break.
12:30-13:30 Cyber Security Strategy and Coercion.
Brandon Valeriano
13:30-14:00 Teaching Analysis: Simulation Strategies in the Intelligence Studies
Myrto Nikolakou
Afternoon Session:
18:00-20:00 Teaching Analysis: Simulation Strategies in the Intelligence Studies
Myrto Nikolakou
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
10:00-12:00 Afghanistan: The intelligence war.
Myrto Nikolakou
12:00-12:30 Coffee Break.
12:30-13:30 Socio-cultural intelligence and national security.
John Stivachtis
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Departure from Tinos.
Tinos Summer Seminar July 2 – July 7, 2016
Application Form:

SEMINAR TENTATIVE PROGRAM Saturday, July 2, 2016 16:30 (approximately) Departure from Rafina or Piraeus port.
Arrival to Tinos island – Dinner.
Sunday, July 3, 2016 Welcome and briefing. Keynote Speech
Nicholas Onuf, Professor Emeritus of International Relations, International University of Florida The threat of populism in Europe
Othon Anastasakis, Director of SEESOX, Senior Research Fellow, St Antony’s College, Oxford University Human Flows and Social Implications
Frank Duvell, Senior Researcher at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford (TBC) Afternoon: Free
Monday, July 4, 2016 The rise of nationalism and xenophobia in Europe
Professor Brad Blitz, Deputy Dean, School of Law, Middlesex University The humanitarian context
Apostolos Veizis, Director of Medical Operational Support Unit Athens (SOMA), Medecins Sans Frontieres Afternoon: Discussion with Nicholas Onuf, Professor Emeritus of International Relations, International University of FloridaTuesday, July 5. 2016
Can the wave of migration be contained? The cases of Greece and Turkey
Angelos Syrigos, Professor, Panteion University, former Secreatry General on Migration
The Syrian Conundrum
Sotiris Roussos, Professor of Middle-Eastern Studies, University of Peloponnese
The unraveling of the Middle East state system
Shlomo Avineri, Professor of Political Science, Hebrew University
Afternoon: Free
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
The “Islamic State” and the expansion of Jihadism
Speaker TBC
The role of US in pan-regional affairs
Harry Papasotiriou, President of the Institute of International Relations
Russia’s involvement in Syria and the wider peripheri
Constantinos Filis, Director of Research Programs, Institute of International Relations
Afternoon: Excursion
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Morning free.
Departure and return to Piraeus port at 19:30 (approximately).
Tinos Summer Seminar July 4 – July 9, 2015
Eastern Mediterranean: Regional Dynamics, Global Trends
Cultural foundation of Tinos (
TINOS, JULY 4-9, 2015
Τhe Institute of International Relations (I.I.R.) of Panteion University of Athens in cooperation with the University of Piraeus, is pleased to announce the 24rd Annual Summer Seminar which will be held on the island of Tinos, Greece, from July 4-9, 2015. The theme of the Seminar is:Eastern Mediterranean: Regional Dynamics, Global Trends.
With the state of affairs in many global issues in a critical state of flux – and depending on how things evolve – the international community may have to face even greater instability/volatility than it has in recent years. At a time when synergies and cooperation are vital to confronting dire challenges with potentially far-reaching impacts, key players are finding it difficult to compromise. In this context, the Eastern Mediterranean, which borders on numerous crisis hotspots, has yet to tackle its own “internal” issues, and divisions are deepening.
For the third consecutive year, the Tinos Summer Seminar will focus on the Eastern Mediterranean, but at the same time we will attempt a consideration of regional dynamics within a broader framework. In two 2-hour sessions, LSE Professor Michael Cox will set out the global trends – assessing how U.S.-EU-Russian-Chinese relations are evolving and affecting the wider periphery – and provide an analysis of European economic affairs.
To ensure interaction among participants and to give attendants more time to exchange views with specialists and academics, and so that the latter can provide an in-depth analysis in their subject areas, all of this year’s presentations will be provided by individual lecturers, in a seminar format. To help attendants better prepare, in the coming weeks we will be sending suggested reading lists on behalf of the professors/lecturers.
At the end of each Seminar, relevant materials will be distributed and a blog will be activated, allowing attendants to post articles, lectures, events, and updates from the agencies they represent, and enabling them to keep in touch and exchange views, building on an alumni legacy that will incorporate attendants in the coming years.
Tuition fees have been waved. There is only a lump sum of 400 € that covers:
a) shared hotel accommodation in a double occupancy room,
b) breakfast and dinner in local taverns,
c) excursion to two traditional villages and the local marble-crafting museum.
d) transportation from Athens to Tinos and back.
All participants are expected to pay for their own travel to and from Athens.
How to Apply
Applicants should be (post-) graduate students working towards Masters or Ph.D. degrees, but we usually admit some advanced undergraduates as well. All applicants should be fluent in English.
For further inquiries please contact Ms. Maria Deca, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel.: +30 210 33.12.325/7, fax: +30 210 33.13.575.
Please download the application form from the web and submit electronically by May 27, 2015. Places are limited and will be awarded on merit. Early applications are strongly encouraged. Decisions will be mailed out till June 5, 2015. Admitted foreign students will be provided with all necessary documentation in support of a visa application, if this is needed.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
16:30 (approximately) Departure from Rafina or Piraeus port.
Arrival to Tinos island – Dinner.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Welcome and briefing.
A BRICS world? Power shifts – fact, fiction and economists
Michael Cox, Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics (LSE), Co-Director of LSE IDEAS
When is an alliance not an alliance? When it is Russia and China
Michael Cox, Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics (LSE), Co-Director of LSE IDEAS
Afternoon: Free
Monday, July 6, 2015
Israel, the Region and the World
Dr. Aviad Rubin, Faculty chair, Naval academy program, University of Haifa
Turkey between pragmatism and illusions
Dr. Esra Hatipoglu, Professor, University of Marmara
Egypt’s difficult path to normalisation (Speaker TBA)
Afternoon: Discussion with Michael Cox
Tuesday, July 7. 2015
Regional Dynamics and Economic Growth
Panagiotis Roumeliotis, Ex-representative of Greece at the IMF
The new security architecture of East Med
Professor Harry Papasotiriou, President of the Institute of International Relations
Preparations for Joint Resolution/Declaration
Afternoon: Free
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Is Energy a Catalyst for Developments
Dr. Constantinos Filis, Director of Research Programs, Institute of International Relations
Stability vs Instability: Prospects and Ways to Defuse Tensions
Sotiris Roussos, Associate Professor, University of Peloponnese
Issue of Joint Resolution/Declaration on behalf of Participants
Afternoon: Excursion
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Morning free.
Departure and return to Piraeus port at 19:30 (approximately).