Conference Presentations
- Samaras, Ath.N., Dogani, M. & Asderaki, F., (2016). “The Strategic Mobilization of Fear against Greece in E.U. Institutional Discourse on Immigration: Blame Games, Victimization, Hate Speech and Euro-Bullying”. Paper accepted for presentation at the 6th European Communication Conference: “Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures”. Organized by ECREA (Prague, 9 – 12 November). **
- Samaras, Ath.N., (2016). “Strategic Framing in Journalistic Questions in Televised Party Leaders Debates in Greece: A Longitudinal Analysis”. Paper accepted for presentation at the 6th European Communication Conference: “Mediated (Dies)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures”. Organized by ECREA, (Prague, 9 – 12 November).
- Takas, E., Aspriadis, N. & Pittarokili, A., (2016). “Attributions of Responsibility and Strategies of Apology for (Mis)Managing the Refugee Crisis by the Greek Government in Parliamentary Discourse”. Paper accepted for presentation at the 6th European Communication Conference: “Mediated (Dies)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures”. Organized by ECREA (Prague, 9 – 12 November).
- Samaras, Ath.N., Dimitriou, Μ.-Ε., Aspriadis, Ν. & Τzivra, R., (2016). «The Images of Greece, Lesvos and Kos within the Context of Refugee Crisis; A Quantitative Content Analysis in International Media». Paper accepted for presentation at the ECREA pre-conference: «Prague Media Point: Media and Migration». (Prague, 7-9 November).
- Illiadi, I., Noula, E., Marioli, M. & Samaras, Ath.N., (2016). «Framing Immigrants in the Greek Aegean News Sites; Locality, News Domestication and the Construction of Otherness». Paper accepted for presentation, at the ECREA pre-conference: «Prague Media Point: Media and Migration» (Prague, 7-9 November).*
- Takas, E. & Samaras, Ath.N., (2016). «Rhetorical Construction of the E.U. Image by the Greek Parties: The Case of the Parliamentary Discussion on the 2015 Referendum». Paper accepted for presentation at the conference: «Europe in Discourse: Identity, Diversity, Borders». (Athens, 23-25 September).
- Aspriadis, N. & Samaras, Ath.N., (2016). «Varoufakis’ Apologia: Employment of Image Restoration Strategies and the Interplay of Personal, Governmental and Nation Image. A Comparative Analysis of Two Case Studies». Presentation at the 24th World Congress of Political Science, IPSA. (Poznan, Poland, 23-28 July).
- Takas, E., Samaras, Ath.N. & Aspriadis, N., (2016). «Who’s to Blame? Attribution Processes and the Rhetoric of Blame during the Parliamentary Discussion on the third Memorandum in Greece». Presentation at the 24th World Congress of Political Science, IPSA. (Poznan, Poland, 23-28 July).
- Illiadi, I., Tsourouni, X., Dogani, M. & Samaras, Ath.N., (2016). «Games of Terministic Control or the Instrumental Actualization of Events? Defining Immigrants in the Pre- and Post- Paris Terrorist Attack Era in the Aegean News Sites». Paper presented at the international conference: «Crossing Borders». Organized by Aegean University. (Lesvos, 7 -10 July). *
- Samaras, Ath.Ν., Papagianni, Ν. & Aspriadis, Ν., (2016). «Addressing Attacks on Ethos - Applications in Business and Everyday Life». Workshop on research methodology at the conference: “Creative Speech in Education”. Organized by the Laboratory on Applied Linguistics and the Study of Literature and Rhetoric, University of Athens. (Athens, 27-29 June).
- Dimitriou, Μ.-Ε., Pitarokili, A., Τzivra, R. & Samaras, Ath.N., (2016). “The News on the Economy and the Financial Crisis in the Greek Media – A Longitudinal Content Analysis”. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on International Business, University of Macedonia. (Thessaloniki, 20-22 May).
- Loukopoulou, E., Marioli, M., Noula, E. & Samaras Ath.N., (2016). “The Effect of Foreign Policy News upon the Images of Foreign Nations: A Quantitative Content Analysis in the Greek Press during 2015”. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on International Business, University of Macedonia. (Thessaloniki, 20-22 May).
- Goussios, C. & Loukopoulou, E., (2016). “Framing Terrorism: The Charlie Hebdo Case”. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on International Business, University of Macedonia. (Thessaloniki, 20-22 May).
- Aspriadis, Ν., Samaras, Ath.N. & Papaioannou, A., (2016). “(De)Legitimation Games and Images of Nations During the Management of a Foreign Financial Crisis: The Cyprus M.O.U. in the German Political Discourse”. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on International Business, University of Macedonia. (Thessaloniki, 20-22 May).
- Dogani, M., Samaras, Ath.N. & Loukopoulou, E., (2016). “The Use of Fear in Economic Narratives: Greek Financial Crisis and the Rhetoric of Fear in the 2015 Election Campaign in Greece”. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on International Business, University of Macedonia. (Thessaloniki, 20-22 May).
- Samaras, Ath.N., Dimitriou, Μ.-Ε. & Loukopoulou, E., (2016). “Examination of the Press Party Parallelism Hypothesis across the Lines of Pro-Vs.-Anti Memorandum: The Representations of Cyprus in the Greek Press during March 2013”. Paper presented at the conference: “The March that Changed Cyprus”, organized by Nicosia University. (Nicosia, 7-8 April).
- Samaras, Ath.N. & Iordanidou, S., (2016). “The Impact of Foreign Policy News upon the Representation of Turkey in the Press: Conflict, Strategy and Projections of Power”. Paper presented at the conference: “Turkey: Strategic Issues”, organized by the Turkish and Eurasian Studies Laboratory, University of Piraeus. (Piraeus, 30 March)*
- Samaras, Ath.N., (2016). “A Rhetorical Criticism to the Critics of Hate Speech Rhetoric: Deconstructing Processes of Policing the Symbolic Environment”. Presentation at the International Symposium: “Aristotle Anniversary Year: From Hate Speech to Tolerance and Understanding”. Organized by the British Council in cooperation with the Laboratory of Education Policy, Research, Development and Interuniversity Cooperation (ERDIC), University of Piraeus under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education (Athens, 19-20 March).
- Asderaki, F. & Dogani, M., (2016). “Hate Speech in Politics”. Presentation at the International Symposium: “Aristotle Anniversary Year: From Hate Speech to Tolerance and Understanding”. Organized by the British Council in cooperation with the Laboratory of Education Policy, Research, Development and Interuniversity Cooperation (ERDIC) , University of Piraeus under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education (Athens, 19-20 March).
- Roukanas, S., Samaras, Ath.N. & Loukopoulou, E., (2015) «International Monetary Fund: Greece and Turkey, Reality and Representations”. Paper presented at the 2nd annual conference “Changing Greece and the World”. organized by Political Science and International Relations Department, University of Peloponnese. (Loutraki, 11-13 December).
- Dogani, M. & Loukopoulou, E., (2015). “Fear, Risk and Threat as Analytic Tools in Content Analysis”. Presentation at the Conference: “Persuasive Speech: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Teaching Suggestions”. Organized by the Laboratory on Applied Linguistics and the Study of Literature and Rhetoric, University of Athens. (Athens, 14-15 December).
- Samaras, Ath.N., (2015). “Analyzing Ad Hominem Arguments in Political Discourse: A Methodological Notes for Parliamentary Deliberation and Television Talk Shows”. Presentation at the Conference: “Persuasive Speech: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Teaching Suggestions”. Organized by the Laboratory on Applied Linguistics and the Study of Literature and Rhetoric, University of Athens. (Athens, 14-15 December).
- Samaras, Ath.N. & Dimitriou, Μ.-Ε., (2015). “The State-Mapping Code Book: Presentation of the Taxonomies and Their Instrumentality in Hypothesis Formulation”. Research workshop at the conference: “CreteRetreat2015: Destination Journalism and Place Branding”, organized by the Master Program in Communication and Journalism, Open University Cyprus. (Heraklion, 2 - 4 October). *
- Samaras, Ath.N., (2015). “Framing Immigration in the Context of Financial Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of News Media and Political Discourse”. Paper presented at the research conference: “Migration in History - Labour Migration, Brain Drain and Refugees; Current Problems and Analyses”. Organized as part of the Integrated Partnership European and Global Studies Siegen-Piraeus, sponsored by DAAD. (Piraeus, 31 August – 5 September).
- Samaras, Ath.N., Iordanidou, S., Dimitriou, Μ.-Ε. & Loukopoulou, E., (2015). “The Ethnocentrism of the Political Communication System and the Formation of Mediated Nation Images —the Case of Germany in the Greek Elections of 2015”. Paper presented at ECREA’s Political Communication Section conference. (Odense, Denmark, 27- 29 August).
- Samaras, Ath.N., Dimitriou, Μ.-Ε. & Loukopoulou, E., (2015). “Images of Nations in the Greek Press During the 2015 Elections”. Presented at IAMCR International Conference. (Montreal, Canada, 12-16 July).
- Asrpiadis, N. & Samaras, Ath.N., (2015). "Political Blame Games and Nation Image Making in Times of Financial Crises: A Comparative Analysis of PASOK and SYRIZA Administrations in Greece". Presented at IAMCR International Conference. (Montreal, Canada, 12-16 July).
- Samaras, Ath.N., Dogani, Μ. & Loukopoulou, E., (2015). “The Greek Financial Crisis and the Rhetoric of Fear during the Greek General Elections of 2015”. Paper presented at the international conference: «Narratives of the Crisis: Myths and Realities». (Thessaloniki, 24-26 June).
- Samaras, Ath.N. & Iordanidou, S., (2015). “Images of BRICS Countries at the News Media”. Paper presented at the conference: “BRICS: Economy – Society – Foreign Policy” organized by the International and European Studies Department, University of Piraeus. (Piraeus, 28 May).
- Aspriadis, N. & Goussios, Ch., (2015). “Strategic Use of Conflict: Information Warfare in the Ukraine Crisis”. Paper Presentation at the 6th International Conference on International Business, University of Macedonia. (Thessaloniki, 22- 24 May 2015).
- Samaras, Ath.N. & Iordanidou, S., (2015). “Projected Images of Israel and the Arab Countries in the News Media – An Intercultural Content Analysis”. Paper presented at the conference “The Eastern Mediterranean: Between East and West”. Organized by the University of Piraeus and BESA. (Athens, 21 May).*
- Paravantis, J. & Samaras, Ath.N., (2015). “Fuel Poverty in Greece and the European Union”. Paper presented at the international conference: “Society, Borders and Security”. Organized by the University of Piraeus and Universitat Siegen. (Siegen, Germany, 24-25 April).
- Aspriadis, N. & Samaras, Ath.N., (2014). “Apologies for Publicly Slapping Female Politician on Live TV; the Employment of Image Restoration Strategies by the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Party in Greece”. Paper presented at the conference: “Crisis Management and Communication”, organized by ECREA’s Crisis Communication Section. (Lisbon, Portugal, 11 November). HYPERLINK.
- Samaras, Ath.N. & Paravantis, J., (2014). “Exploring the Communication Aspect of European Integration: European Frame and Nation Images in the Press”. Paper presented at the international conference: “Political, Economic and Cultural Legacies of the European Past in the Context of European Integration”. Organized by the University of Piraeus and Universitat Siegen. (Siegen, Germany, 25 -26 October).
- Samaras, Ath.N. & Aspriadis, N., (2014). “Strategic Framing in an International Crisis: Patterns of Employment by Political Actors and Journalists during the Crisis of Chemical in Syria”. Paper presented at the 23rd World Congress of Political Science. Organized by IPSA. (Montreal, Canada 19-24 July).
- Iordanidou, S. & Samaras, Ath.N., (2014). “Comparative Analysis of the Nation Images of USA and Germany in the British, Cypriot, Greek and Turkish Media: How Domestication and Press Ethnocentrism Mediates Projections of Power”. Paper presented at the 23rd World Congress of Political Science. Organized by IPSA. (Montreal, Canada 19-24 July).
- Samaras, Ath.N., & Iordanidou, S., (2014). “An Intercultural Comparative Analysis of Nation Image of India, Pakistan and other South-East Asian Nations in the Media of Three Countries”. Paper presented at the IAMCR International Conference. (Hyderabad, India, 14-19 July).
- Dogani, M., Samaras, Ath.N. & Iordanidou, S., (2014). "Fear, Threat and Risk in the Mediated Representations of Hegemonic Countries, PIGS and Countries Facing Conflict Situations”. Paper presented at the IAMCR International Conference. (Hyderabad, India, 14-19 July).*
- Samaras, Ath.N., & Iordanidou, S., (2014). “The Nation Image of Japan in Mass Media; a Comparative Intercultural Content Analysis”. Paper presented at the conference: “The Impact of Japan Civilization on Contemporary Society”. Organized by the International Sociological Association and Panteion University. (Athens, 16 June). *
- Goussios, Ch., Samaras, Ath.N. & Koutsimpogiorgos, N., (2014). “Historical Indexing Reinvented? Civil War as a Historical Metaphor and the Paradigmatic Shift of the Greek Political Communication System due to the Financial Crisis”. Paper presented at the international conference: “Nationalist Responses to Economic and Political Crises”. Organized by the Nationalism Studies Program of Central European University. (Budapest, 12-14 June).
- Dogani, Μ., Angelou, Κ., Koutsimpogiorgos, N., Konstantinoy, V., & Samaras, Ath.Ν., (2014). “Strategic Use of Fear Arguments, State Self-Image and Policy Making: Analysis of Parliamentary Discourse on M.O.U. In Cyprus”. Paper presented at the conference: “Discourses of Crisis” organized by the Political Discourse Analysis Network of the Greek Association of Political Science. (Athens, 13-14 June).
- Anastasiadou, M., Samaras, Ath.N., & Loukopoulou, E., (2014). ”Post- Crisis Redefinition of the Cyprus Problem in International Media”. Paper presented at the international conference: "Euro-med, Broader Middle East and North Africa (BMENA) - Society, Politics, Economy, Security and International Relation after the Arab Spring". Organized by Aegean University. (Rhodes , 15 – 17 May).
- Iordanidou, S., Samaras, Ath.N. & Dimitriou, Μ.-Ε., (2014). “The Impact of Syrian Conflict upon Journalistically Mediated Images of Nations”. Paper presented at the international conference: “Media and Crises - The Art of Distortion, Manipulation, and Propaganda” organized by the Department of Mass Communication, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University. (Doha, Qatar, 29-30 April).*
- Samaras, Ath.N., Anastasiadou, M. & Loukopoulou, E. (2014). “The Effect of the Financial Crisis upon the International Image of Cyprus”. Paper presented at the international conference “Media and Crises: The Art of Distortion, Manipulation, and Propaganda”. Organized by the Department of Mass Communication, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University. (Doha, Qatar, 29-30 April).
- Gousios, Ch., Aspriadis, N., Tsirimiagou, Z. & Dogani, M., (2014). «Rhetorical Use of Fear in Presidential Speeches and News Media». Paper presented at the international conference “Media and Crises: The Art of Distortion, Manipulation, and Propaganda”. Organized by the Department of Mass Communication, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University. (Doha, Qatar, 29-30 April).
- Samaras, Ath.N. & Venizelos, C., (2014). Presumed Media Influence of Greek-Cypriot Journalists and Politicians; a Qualitative Analysis”. Paper presented at the ECREA 2014 Journalism Studies Section Conference “Journalism in Transition: Crisis or Opportunity?” (Thessaloniki, 27-29 March).
- Samaras, Ath.N. & Paravantis, J.A., (2013). “The Impact of Environmental News upon Journalistically Mediated Nation Images”. Paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Operational Research, Hellenic Operational Research Society. (Athens, Greece, 26-28 September).
- Samaras, Ath.N. & Venizelos, C., (2013). “Strategic Framing in the Greek-Cypriot Presidential Debates of 2013 and in the Framing of the Debates in Social Media”. Paper presented at the ECREA Political Communication Section International Conference “New Trends in Political Communication” . (Milan, Italy, 19-20 September).
- Samaras, Ath.N., Papagiani, N. & Papaioannou, A., (2013). “Pattern of Employment of the ‘Bias’ and the ‘Poison the Well’ Ad Hominem Arguments due to the Reconstruction of the Greek Party System”. Paper presented at the International Conference “Political Communication in Times of Crisis” organized by the RC22 – Research Committee Political Communication – International Political Science Association. (Granada, Spain 12-13 September). HYPERLINK.
- Samaras, Ath.N., Iordanidou, S. & Dogani, M., (2013). “The Dialectic on International Relations and Political Communication: The Impact of the Financial Crisis Upon the Nation Image of Germany; A Comparative Analysis in Greek and UK Media”. Paper presented at the International Conference “Political Communication in Times of Crisis” organized by the RC22 – Research Committee Political Communication – International Political Science Association. (Granada, Spain 12-13 September). *
- Iordanidou, S., Samaras, Ath.N. & Dogani, M., (2013). “India and China - Nation Image and Soft Power in the News Media; A Comparative Analysis In the English, Greek, Turkish and Cypriot Media”. Paper presented at the ‘Communicating Soft Power: Contrasting Perspectives from India and China’, organized by University of Westminster. (9-10 September). *
- Samaras, Ath.Ν. & Dogani, M., (2013). “Greek Diaspora as Apologist for the Greek Financial Crisis: Image Restoration Strategies in the ‘Short Film Contest 2012’ of the Greek American Foundation”. Paper presented at the international conference: “Rhetoric, between the Theory and Practice of Politics”. Organized by Minho University. (Braga, Portugal, 21-23 June).
- Aspriadis, N., (2013). “Rhetorical Construction of the Rally-Around-the-Flag Effect: Blame Games and Αpologies”. Paper presented at the international conference: “Rhetoric, between the Theory and Practice of Politics”. Organized by Minho University. (Braga, Portugal, 21-23 June).
- Iordanidou, S., Samaras, Ath.N. & Katsorchi, S., (2013). “Nation Images of African Countries in the Greek and Cypriot Press, News Values, Proximity and Framing”. Presented at the 11th International Conference on Media and Communication organized by AT.IN.E.R. (Athens, Greece, 13-15 May).*
- Fasouli, K. & Samaras, Ath.N., (2012). “The Impact of the Greek Financial Crisis upon the Mediated Image of the European Union and the Euro-zone: A Comparative Analysis of German and USA Press”. Paper presented at the international conference of the Disaster, Conflict and Social Research Network, European Sociological Association. (Lesvos, Greece, 13-14 September).
* Research project in collaboration with the Postgraduate Program in Communications and New Journalism, Open University of Cyprus.
** Research project in collaboration with the Laboratory of Education Policy, Research, Development and Interuniversity Cooperation (ERDIC).