Research Presentation at Conferences Organized by the Laboratory
This section contains the research that has been made within the framework of the “Strategic Communications and News Media Laboratory” (since July 2015) the “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” (2012 – 2015), the “Research Unit: Images of Nations” (2010-2015). These researches have been presented at conferences organized by the aforementioned institutions.
The presentation of the research is being organized by the following fields of research: “Images of Nations in News Media” (16 research presentations), “The Rhetoric of Fear” (6 research presentations) “Negativity, Rhetorical Attacks and Ad Hominem Arguments” (4 research presentations), “Strategic Communication” (4 research presentations), “Political Communication, News media and International Relations” (5 research presentations), “Apology, Image Restoration and Attribution of Blame” (13 research presentations).
1. Gorina, Ο., (2013). «Framing the Cypriot Banking Sector Crisis in the Russian Press”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
2. Gorina, Ο. & Afuxenidou, Ν., (2014). “Russia: The Construction of the Enemy Image in the Ukrainian Media”. Research paper presented at the scientific conference: "Images of Nations and International Crisis: Soft Power and Strategic Communication”. Organized by the: “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 16 December).
3. Gussios, Ch. & Taktikou, I., (2014). “The Representations of the Ukrainian Crisis in the French Press”. Research paper presented at the scientific conference: "Images of Nations and International Crisis: Soft Power and Strategic Communication”. Organized by the: “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 16 December).
4. Gussios, Ch. & Scouteli, Ι., (2014). “Assessing the Impact of E.U. Presidency upon Soft Power: Analysis of the Image of Greece in the French Press during the Greek Presidency of the E.U.”. Research paper presented at the scientific conference: "Images of Nations and International Crisis: Soft Power and Strategic Communication”. Organized by the: “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 16 December).
5. Delavinias, S. & Mourdoukoutas, Ch., (2015). “The Images of Nations in the WiliLeaks-related News – A Longitudinal Quantitative Content Analysis in the Greek Press”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
6. Dimitriou, Μ.-E., (2015). “Comparative Analysis of Images of Nations: Methodological Issues”. Methodology paper presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
7. Dimitriou, Μ.-E. & Katsorchi, S., (2013). «The Early Stage of the Cyprus Financial Crisis at the International News Media”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
8. Dimitriou, Μ.-E., Loukopoulou, E., Kontopoulou, Ά., & Tsatasani, Μ., (2014). “Images of Nations in the News on the Ukrainian Crisis in the Greek Press”. Research paper presented at the scientific conference: "Images of Nations and International Crisis: Soft Power and Strategic Communication”. Organized by the: “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 16th December).
9. Dimitriou, Μ.-E. & Fillipakou, Κ., (2015). “The Construction of the Images of Greece, Lesvos and Kos within the Context of Immigration-related News in International Networks”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
10. Katsorchi, S., (2013). “Nation Images of African Countries in the Greek and Cypriot Press”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
11. Loukopoulou, E., (2015). «News Media Representations of Hegemonic States: USA and Germany». Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
12. Michailidis D. & Bolanou E. (2015). “Syria – North Korea – Pakistan: Exploring the Image Attributes of the Problem-Framed Country”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
13. Pattakias, J., Loukopoulou, E., & Mykoniati, Ch., (2013). “Representations of the Cyprus Crisis in the Greek Press”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
14. Politis, A., Kardara, G. & Koronakis, E., (2015). “Nation Image Construction at the Aftermath of the European Financial Crisis: The Cases of Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
15. Raniou, P. & Sangogian, Μ., (2015). “ ‘The Voyages of Barbarous’: Energy issues and Geopolitical Conflict in East Mediterranean. The State images of Cyprus, Turkey, Israel and Egypt in the News”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
16. Psillaki, Ch., Afouxenidou, N. & Athanasiou, Α., (2015). “Depictions of the BRICS Countries in the Greek News Media in 2014”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
17. Angelou, K., Koutsimpogiorgos, N. & Konstantinou, V., (2013). “Fear Arguments, State Self-image and Formulation of Politics- Analysis of the Minutes of Plenary Sessions of the Cypriot Parliament & the Presidential Decrees Concerning the Memorandum”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
18. Dogani, Μ., (2013). “Fear is Social Psychology, Fear in Strategic Communication: A Theoretical Framework for Analyzing the Rhetoric of Fear. Literature Review”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
19. Dogani, Μ. (2014). “Fear as an Attribute of the State Image of the Sub-Saharan African Countries: The Social Construction of Ebola. Preventing, Surveying or Intimidating?”. Research presented at the scientific conference: "Images of Nations and International Crisis: Soft Power and Strategic Communication”. Organized by the: “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 16 December).
20. Dogani, Μ., (2015). “The Rhetorical Construction of Fear in Party-Political Discourse: The Greek General Elections of January 2015”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
21. Dogani, Μ., Stamataki, Μ. & Loukopoulou, E., (2013). “Fear, Risk and Threat as Message Attributes of the Projected Images of Nations in the News – A Quantitative Content Analysis”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
22. Papagiani, N., (2013). “The Instrumental Actualization of the ‘Golden Dawn’ in the Rhetorical Construction of Fear in the Greek Parliament”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
23. Illiadi, I., Egglezou, F. & Maxouri, Α., (2015). “Troll as a Form of Negative Political Communication in Social Networks: The De-construction of Zoe Konstantopoulou”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
24. Papagiani, N., (2015). “A Comparative Analysis of the Employment of Ad Hominem Arguments in Parliamentary Deliberation and in News Media: The Case Study of Romanos’ Hunger Strike”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
25. Samaras, Ath.N., Papagiani, N. & Papaioannou, A., (2013). “The Bias Ad Hominem Arguments in the Greek Parliament: The Lagarde List Case Study”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
26. Samaras, Ath.N., Kolovos, Κ. & Papagiani, N., (2015). “Negative Ethotic Arguments: A Content Analysis of Parliamentary Discussions on the Greek Referendum”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
27. Aspriadis, Ν., (2014). «Strategic Communication Campaigns in the Ukraine Crisis». Research paper presented at the scientific conference: "Images of Nations and International Crisis: Soft Power and Strategic Communication”. Organized by the: “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 16 December).
28. Aspriadis, Ν., (2015). «Strategic Communication and Strategic Studies: The Dialectic Between the Fields». Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
29. Illiadi, I., & Maxouri, Α., (2014). “Political Communication and Social Media at Second Order Elections: The Case of European Parliament Elections in Greece”. Research paper presented at the scientific conference: "Images of Nations and International Crisis: Soft Power and Strategic Communication”. Organized by the: “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 16 December).
30. Fillipakou, Κ., (2014). “Comparative Analysis of the Campaign Mode of Golden Dawn and of NSDAP. Evolution of Copy-Cut?”. Research paper presented at the scientific conference: "Images of Nations and International Crisis: Soft Power and Strategic Communication”. Organized by the: “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 16 December).
31. Loukopoulou, E. & Afuxenidou, Ν., (2015). “The Framing of Charlie Hebdo at the Greek Press: Islam, Terrorism and Partisan Strategies”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
32. Magira, Μ., (2013). “The Construction of the Cyprus Crisis in Bundestag: The Effect of German Party Strategies upon the State Image of Cyprus”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
33. Papaioannou, A., (2013). “The Discourse of German Political Parties on the Cypriot Banking Sector Crisis”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
34. Pappa, F., Koutoulakou, M. & Malliari, P., (2014). “The Depiction of the German and Turkish Elections in the Greek Press: Press Ethnocentrism, Proximity and the Construction of Otherness”. Research presented at the scientific conference: "Images of Nations and International Crisis: Soft Power and Strategic Communication”. Organized by the “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 16 December).
35. Tsirimiagou, Z., (2013). “The Representation of Presidential Campaigns and the Nation Inage of the USA in the Greek Press”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
36. Aspriadis, Ν., (2012). “Implementation of the Image Restoration Theory on the Reaction of the Golden Dawn Party for the Incident of ANT-1”. Research presented at the workshop: “The Rhetoric of Apologetic Discourse”. Organized by the “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 9 July).
37. Aspriadis, Ν., (2013). “The Integration of Strategies of Apology within the War on Terror Narrative: A Qualitative Analysis of the USA Institutional Discourse”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
38. Aspriadis, Ν., (2015). “Strategic Management of the Accounts for the Video in Croatia and the Plan B by Y. Varoufakis: A Systematic Analysis of the image Restoration Strategies”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
39. Aspriadis, Ν., Dimitriou, Μ.-E. & Loukopoulou, E., (2014). “Strategies of Apology and Blame Games for the Scandals during the Economic crisis: The cases of Armaments and of M.Liapis”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
40. Vaggi, D., (2013). “Attributions of Blame and Apologetic Discourse of High School Teachers for Student’s Practices of Plagiarizing and Cheating on Examinations”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
41. Vasiliou, Ch., (2012). “Critical Presentation and Evaluation of Image Restoration Strategies employed by the Greek-Cypriot M.P. A.Pitsillidis to Deal with Accusations for Inappropriate Behavior”. Research presented at the workshop: “The Rhetoric of Apologetic Discourse”. Organized by the “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 9 July).
42. Dimitriou, Μ.-E., (2013). “Nation Image, Problem Frame and Attribution of Blame in the Greek and Greek-Cypriot Press”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Image Restoration Strategies, Fear Rhetoric and the Images of Nations: Practical Applications of Rhetoric in the Contemporary International Environment”. Organized by “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 20 November).
43. Dogani, Μ., (2012). “From Stake-holders to Apologists: The Greek-American Community on the Greek Financial Crisis”. Research presented at the workshop: “The Rhetoric of Apologetic Discourse”. Organized by the “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 9 July).
44. Ballomenos, Κ., (2012). “From Denial to Apologia: Critical Analysis of Marinakis’ Communication Strategy on the Panathinaikos - Olympiakos Football Match in 2011”. Research presented at the workshop: “The Rhetoric of Apologetic Discourse”. Organized by the “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 9 July).
45. Samaras, Ath.N., (2012). “The Rhetoric of Apologia and Image Restoration Strategies: A Literature Review”. Paper presented at the workshop: “The Rhetoric of Apologetic Discourse”. Organized by the “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 9 July).
46. Skevi, Ε. & Samaras, Ath.N., (2015). “A True Apology? Image Restoration Strategies and Apologetic Discourse Employed by SYRISA for the Flip-Flop on the EMU issue”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).
47. Jebrin, Α., (2012). “Public Non–apology as Causal Factor for Bilateral Crises: The Case for Israel and Turkey over Mavi Marmara”. Research presented at the workshop: “The Rhetoric of Apologetic Discourse”. Organized by the “Research Unit: Rhetorical Communication & Persuasion” and KEDEY, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 9 July).
48. Chyta, F., (2015). “ ‘They Asked for it!!!’. The Dominance of Blame Shifting in the Apologetic Discourse of Indian Government and Society for the Rapes of Women. A Research in two English and two Indian Newspapers”. Research presented at the scientific conference: “Strategic Communication and the News Media in Political Campaigns and International Relations; organized by Strategic Communication and News Media Laboratory, International and European Relations Department, University of Piraeus, (Piraeus, 10 November).