Τουρκικών και Ευρασιατικών Μελετών
Website: http://etem.unipi.gr
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Director: Nikolaos Raptopoulos (Ph.D Louvain) - Assist. Professor
The aim of the “Turkish & Eurasian Studies Lab” is to provide students and young researchers the necessary conceptual and theoretical knowledge on the domestic politics, the foreign and security policies, and the economies of the states that Eurasia is consisted of. The contemporary Turkey and Russia and the states of Caucasus, Central Asia, and Middle East are at the core of Laboratory’s scientific interests. The Laboratory consists of two scientific research groups, one on Turkey and the other on Caucasus, which focalize on the study and the analysis of the contemporary political, security and economic developments of these areas. The results of these efforts are diffused through a series of publications, such as the monthly Chronicles, the semestrial Journal, the occasional Info Notes etc. Besides, the Laboratory organizes conferences, lectures, and discussions on important issues of Turkish and Eurasian Studies.